Mouse : Aim

Left Click, W, Up :  Shot Missile and Acceleration

A/D,  LeftArrow/RightArrow : Missile Rotation

S ,Right Click : Deceleration

Space : Missile Detonation

Recommended  full screen (1920x1080).

(using google translation)

Hitting an enemy with a missile will only temporarily stop them from moving. Missiles alone cannot defeat them. It is the player himself who defeats the enemy. Hit yourself with missiles to gain propulsion! You can kill enemies by launching yourself with a missile blast!

In addition to hitting the missile, you can also move by pressing the space key very close and detonating it! Use it when you want to move quickly!


I couldn't manage my time well, so it's very unfinished.  No sound yet, no post processing yet,and no DOTween yet.  I've used them before, but this time I just didn't have enough time. It was too late to make a decision on this project....

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